- Custom Made Web Design
- eCommerce Website Development
- Wordpress Website Development
- PSD to HTML and CSS Codings
- Search Engine Optimization
- Mobile Responsive Websites
- Web Hosting and Maintenance
We are DesigNNish, we specialised in web design and development services including brand identity, graphic design and digital marketing
We can create websites with professional contents and creative layouts for your business. Even if your site is beautifully designed, it is only an empty shell without content. A good website has both great design and great content. Therefore, designnish will make sure your pages have unique and original content that makes them worth visiting and stand out from your competitio and keep your web pages simple for your clients to use the website and find things easily.
We create modern and unique websites incl. branding and logos that will communicate your business. We give the consistency in design at the same time creating own style of graphic design elements that suits to your logo and type of business. Also, we now manage social media platforms and create digital content for our clients on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram etc. This way, your clients can find you easily with no hassle.
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for hiring or any queries related to web design and graphic design.
You can also get in touch with us through our web form by clicking the contact button.
We create great customer experiences in our websites that transform and grow your business.
Please check some of our recent web design and graphic design
project works below.
ClientNicurity Security Services, Leicester
TypeBespoke Web Design and Logo Design
SkillsAdobe Illustrator, HTML5, CSS5, JavaScript PHP
website design for a family running small business, Nicurity security company in Leicester requested to build a unique website structure according to their plan.This website is started from scratches and depending on their logo and plan we have designed and developed a custom made template for them to looks unique and reasponsive to all devices.
ClientLLPLT20 Cricket League
TypeCricket Website Design and Development
SkillsWordpress development
web design and development for a Cricket league with sportspress theme. from creatinng the league, statistics, player profiles and teams to design the home page for a consecutive third years since 2022 and providing them a free website maintainance too. Leicester Lankans Premier League committee members are very happy with our good work.
ClientMancave Ltd - Hairstyling and laser removal
TypeWeb Design and Development
SkillsIllustrator CS4, Photoshop CS4 and Wordpress web development
LinkMancave homepage
Designed a Professional branding and homepage for a local saloon in Wigston Leicester, designed the website and installed in wordpress platform for a Online selling platform for Mancave ltd in Leicester, also we are maintaining the website for more than 5 years.
ClientFree Cakes for Kids, Leicester
TypeLogo Design, Wordpress Development and Customisation
SkillsPhotoshop,Illustartor, photography, Wordpress and CSS coding
Designed a creative web design package for a charity in Leicester. They are providing free for cakes for kids in leicester who are suffering to celebrate their birthday. i also created social media pages, online listing and advertising for them.
ClientHTGT Laser Clinic ltd. Leicester
TypeLogo Design, Graphic Design
SkillsAdobe Illustrator CS5.5, Photoshop CS5.5
This professional business leaflet for HTGT Laser Hair Removal Clinic in Leicester effectively showcases the clinic's services and expertise. The design is complemented by a custom logo created from scratch, ensuring a unique brand identity. Additionally, a fully optimized WordPress website has been established, enhancing the clinic's online presence and accessibility for potential clients.
ClientScorpion Security Global Ltd, Leicester
TypeWeb Design and Development
SkillsWordPress Web Development
We are proud to present the newly designed website for Scorpion Security Global Ltd., a rapidly growing and well-regarded security company. Our comprehensive web design package not only includes a modern and user-friendly website but also encompasses domain and hosting setup, as well as a refined logo touch-up. It has been a privilege to contribute to their journey and enhance their online presence.
ClientExterior Cleaning Xpert, Leicester
TypeLogo Design, Web Design and Development
SkillsPhotoshop, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript - PHP
This is a Premium website design package we have designed for the client in Leicester incl. SEO, online listing and social media pages. they are really happy that we have helped them to be found in the top of google for their business keywords.
ClientWild Moon Clothing Leicester
TypeLogo Design, Graphic Design Wordpress Development
SkillsPhotoshop, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and PHP
Ecommerce website designed and developed for Wildmoonclothing.com - created an atractive online shop to sell hoodies and tshirt for men's and women's they sell wholesale and retail. Also we are maintaining and marketing the website for a monthly paid contract.
ClientCarrnegie Watches
Type Search Engine Optimisation and Web Development
SkillsUnbounce, Google Webmaster analytics and online drectory listings
Re developed the Carrnegie watches homepage to make it visible on Search engine such as yahoo, bing and Google, etc. it has been optimised for few keywords to appear in google ranking.
ClientArura Clothing and Prints, Leicester
TypeLogo Design and Graphic Design
SkillsIllustrator, Photoshop and Google Webmaster tool
Designed a brand new Logo for Arura, a leading clothing manufacturer in Leicester. The logo has started from sketch and developed using illustrator and photoshop.
ClientDonate Blood NHS, Leicester
TypeLogo Design, Graphic Design
SkillsPhotoshop and Illustrator
Desgned and developed a Leaflet and customer reward card from scratch for "Donate Blood" NHS marketing compaign in Leicester.
ClientDsellz Online Shopping, Leicester
TypePremium Web Design with Logo Design
SkillsPhotoshop, Illustrator, Wordpress,PHP and CSS
An ecommerce Logo and the Website has been designed for a client in leicester, the dsellz.com shopping with confidence ,We have also designed some graphic illustratio, sliders, banners and the other graphics design related to their website.
ClientExterior Cleaning Xpert, Leicester
TypeLogo Design, Web Design and Development
SkillsAdobe Illustarator and Adobe Photoshop CS4
A van sign, graphics design and web site design for a leading Window Cleaning Company in Leicester. We have also maintaining the website with SEO, which is perfoming in top of google ranks in Leicester.
ClientBlue Gems, Leicester
TypeLogo Design and Web Design
SkillsIllustrator CS4, Photoshop CS4
We have developed a Professional branding compaign including a fresh logo design and web design for a client in leicester for their gem business.
ClientIvory Voice, Leicester
TypeLogo Design, Brand Identity
SkillsAdobe Illustrator CS4, Photoshop CS4
Logo and brand identity designed and promoted for ivory-voice.com - elephant printed t-shirt online retail shop for women.
ClientPremier Football Frames
TypeLogo Design and Web Design
SkillsIllustrator CS4, Photoshop CS4 and Wordpress
DesigNNish setup in Wordpress a Professional eCommerce website design with Branding design and logo designs for socail media platforms and the graphic artworks for the " Dsellz" company in leicester for their online store.
ClientAuto touch UK, Leicester
TypeLogo Design
SkillsIllustrator CS4, Photoshop CS4
Designed a Professional branding including different versions of the logo design to setup their homepage, facebook profile, twitter and google etc.
ClientFree cakes for Kids, Leicester
TypeLogo Design and Web Design
SkillsIllustrator CS4, Photoshop CS4 and Wordpress web setup
Professional web design and development, including brand identity and lodo design. web site has been setup wordpress platform for a charity in leicester called free cakes for kids maintained by Leicester city council.
ClientWheels Airport taxis, Crawley
TypeLogo Design, Web Design and Web Development
SkillsIllustrator CS4, Photoshop CS4, HTML, CSS, JS & PHP
Re designed the brand completely looks unique and designed and developed a Html css, mobile friendly website with online booking request form including the graphics for banners, icons and slider for Wheels Airport Taxis - Crawley.
Clienteco Green Contracts
TypeWeb Design and Development
SkillsIllustrator CS4, Photoshop CS4 and Wordpress web development
LinkVisit homepage
Designed a Professional branding including and web design and development in wordpress platform for a building construction company in Leicester called eco Green contracts.
ClientSP Aircon - Leicester
TypeLogo Design and Web Design and SEO
SkillsIllustrator CS4, Photoshop CS4, Html, Css, Js and Php
Re-designed a new web site layout that looks professional including the brand identiy, logo design, graphics for slider, banners and icons for Sp Aircon, Airconditioning specialist company in Leicester .
ClientWheels - Airport Taxis
TypeBrand identity and Website
SkillsDrawing, Illustrator CS4, Photoshop CS4 Dreamweaver
Designed a Professional branding including and web design and development for Wheels airport taxis in Crawley. We also maintaining their Web,SEO and PPC ads to promote their business online.
Clienteco Green Contracts
TypeLogo Design and Graphic Design/p>
SkillsDrawing, Illustrator CS4, Photoshop CS4 and Wordpress web development
LinkVisit homepage
Designed a unique branding for building construction company in Leicester. we designed a new logo, web design and other graphics element of the ecogreen-contrracts.co.uk. The website is setup in wordpress platform tp ad things themselves and a free wordpress customisation training provided.
ClientSP- Airconditioning Leicester
TypeLogo Design and Brand Identity of the Tradesman Website
SkillsIllustrator CS4, Photoshop CS4 and Wordpress web development
Designed a Professional branding from scratch and re-developed the website for SP Aircon Leicester, to be appear on google top. Also promoted the brand and the website trhough social media marketing, SEO, PPC ads and online listings.
ClientWildmoon Clothing, Leicester
TypeLogo Design, Web Design and Development
SkillsPhotoshop, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and PHP
Designed a professional clothing brand for Wildmoon clothing and Including a premium eCommerce website.
A college assessment project for a Display graphic leaflet design during my studies BA in Graphic design and emedia.
This is a Professional logo we designed for Window Cleaning Xpert in leicester, they holding the top ranking in google for window cleaning and related keywords, we also designed their website and maintaining their website too.
ClientRokor Ltd - Hairstyling supplies
TypeLogo Design from scratch
SkillsIllustrator CS4, Photoshop CS4 and Wordpress web development
LinkVisit homepage
Designed a Professional brand new logo for Rokor ltd in Leicester including an ecommerce website in wordpress.
ClientHTGT Laser Clinic, Leicester
TypeLogo Design, Web Design and Development
SkillsPhotoshop, Wordpress Development and PHP
We proudly present the newly designed homepage for HTGT Laser Hair Removal Clinic in Leicester, showcasing a modern and attractive aesthetic tailored to enhance user experience. Our comprehensive service included the creation of a unique logo from scratch, followed by the setup of a fully functional WordPress website, ensuring the clinic establishes a strong and effective online presence.
ClientThe Langdales Group, Leicester
TypeLogo Design, Web Design and Development
SkillsPhotoshop, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and PHP
Premium business website design package created for a leading residential care home company in Leicester.
Our mission is to provide a creative and professional website design solutions for Leicester businesses, by attracting and supporting clients using innovative thinking. All the websites that we designed will be semantically correct, unique standards based on HTML and CSS, which will emphasize a good usability too. Our vision is to maintain the services for Leicester businesses with creative concepts, innovative thinking, inspirational skills and professional services by pursuing the latest trends in technology. By providing an all in one design package for small businesses, we can also help my clients find their targeted audiences and increase their revenue with search engine optimisation. As a freelance web designer, i will professionally provide the quality of service that will assist in making a long lasting relationship with potential clients.
I specialise in Graphic design, Web design, Brand Identiy Design or Logo design, SEO and Digital Marketing . I was studying Graphic design & Emedia BA and Digital Design MA at the De Montfort University. I have gained a range of experience and have worked on some very exciting web design and graphic design based projects since I started my Design career in 2000. Over the last 6 years as a freelance web and graphic designer, I have worked with many newly started and growing small & medium business owners projects closely and helped them to make their websites look professional and to be found easily in the search results for their potential clients.
I am very passionate about contemporary web design design and love to diversify and keep up to date with the latest design trends. I committed to offering unbeatable quality and service to all of my clients at an affordable and competitive rates. All of my work will be design and delivered to the highest possible standard and driven by professional and creative thinking. I love playing cricket in the summer and travelling new places.
Now you can hire us to refresh your existing website or just add some finishing touches on their websites or to design your logo to make it looks Unique or any other graphic design services that need an improvement. No matter how big or small you, don't hesitate to contact us, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Contact UsAre you just starting a new business and looking for a new website or do you struggle to improve your existing business website? We can help you with our range of web designing packages, which will set up everything that your business needs. We are keen to help you with creating a logo for your company, designing a suitable website design, layout, creating the contents that your website needs, creating the UX and UI components for your client to access easily, developing and coding your website, publishing your web pages to the hosting account, Helping to register or transferring the right domain name for your business, testing your website with different browsers and devices and fixing errors, optimizing for major search engines (SEO) and finally we can provide a training so that you can maintain and update yourself or we can maintain it for you too. Apart from our web design packages, if you need any additional assistance in online marketing,advertisement or matters to do with that, we will charge you at a reasonable hourly basis. We offer the following example design packages which content many important web online portfolio and seo feature.
We offer a range of web design and development packages, which is suitable for any type of businesses. We also offer custom plans, tradesman website design offer and many more graphic design, branding and digital design offers for your business. please check our offers page for more detail about Basic, Pro, Premium, Same day web design offer and hire me.
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Check out our clients testimonials from a few of our previous web design and graphic design clients.
"Perfection is Achieved Not When There Is Nothing More to Add, But When There Is Nothing Left to Take Away"
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
One of the most Interesting and surprising things when you look at small and medium businesses how many business owners don’t have a website. According to Clutch (2016) 54% of small businesses have a online presence in 2016 and 46 percent do not have a website.An online presence or website can help a small business in many different ways, any businesses don’t have a website is missing out on one of the greatest powerful marketing tools available for their businesses... Read more
Designing a website that appears simple, clear and unique is an extremely difficult task. i believe, simplicity is an important thing in website design, because of the users; a simple and clearly designed website is more usable. Simplicity will create the usability, this is why Designnish web design services in Leicester always keeping users in mind when creating a creative and effective website. my simple web design experience can save users’ brain power, time and effort. my website designs will be simple but “elegant”...Read More
A professional online portfolio and Google rank are the key elements for success of a business website. They are significantly important to stimulate the traffic to the website and to get the potential new customers. Designnish web development company will ensure all their websites are fully search engine optimised for Google and other major search engines... Read More
Since 2015 in the Google search engine algorithm, a huge change has happened in the SEO (search engine optimisation). Which is depending on the mobile, responsive design. The websites will be ranked in the search engines. This has affected the mobile searchers and it hugely impacted on search engine results. As a Web design agency we always make sure our websites are mobile and tablet responsive, at the same time it is compatible for any browsers too...Read More